3rd BN, 196 IN BDE provides training support IAW FORSCOM and USARPAC Training Guidance to the Guam Army National Guard (GUARNG) and Army Reserve Marianas to ensure partner units are fully prepared to deploy ISO Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) and other operations as directed. O/O, conducts OC/T operations ISO USARPAC Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Capability to provide enhanced home station training for USARPAC units and its partners and allies throughout the Pacific region.
CDR / CSM: (671) 344-5843
HQs / OPS: (671) 344-5844/5845
Office DSN: (315) 344-5848
Hafa Adai and welcome to the 3rd Battalion, 196th Infantry Brigade, the Training Support Battalion (TSB) for the Marianas. The Officers and NCOs would like to welcome you and your family to the Charger Brigade. We're confident that you will find your forthcoming assignment both challenging and professionally rewarding. The TSB is a high profile organization formed entirely of officers and NCOs. Our primary mission is to guarantee the training success of our partners. We directly partner with the Guam Army National Guard and Army Reserve units on Guam and Saipan in order to coach, advise, mentor, and assist their commands in maintaining combat readiness. Additionally, we partner with our Active Duty counterparts during JPMRC exercises. During these exercises, 3rd Battalion forms the core of an Observer, Coach, Trainer (OC/T) Task Force directly partnered with leadership at the Platoon, Company, and Battalion level, as well as with a Battalion Staff. The experience you bring will contribute significantly to the accomplishment of the unit's mission. Like others before you, you can take pride in knowing that we train units to win in a complex world. In addition to providing quality mentoring and training to the Army National Guard and Army Reserve units in our area of responsibility, the battalion is also responsible for military assistance to civilian authorities and mobilization support for reserve component units. The Battalion Headquarters is located in Radio Barrigada, Guam. Due to a small footprint of Army Soldiers on Guam, most support is provided by the US Navy and US Air Force. The major bases on the island include Navy Base - Guam and Andersen Air Force Base. Depending on where you choose to live on the island, there are existing support agreements between Guam Navy Base and Andersen AFB for installation support services and Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) support. For more information about the USAF and U.S. Navy on Guam you can go to their web sites outlined below:
US Naval Forces Marianas
Andersen Air Force Base
Guam is located in the western Pacific, at approximately 13 degrees North latitude and 144 degrees east longitude. Guam is a volcanic and coral island nearly 32 miles long and from 4-9 miles wide, with 212 square miles of land area. Temperatures range from overnight lows in the 70’s and afternoon highs in the upper 80’s. The rainy season runs from June to December. The trade winds bring the coolest and driest months (December –February). Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States. U.S. Currency is used and American citizens do not need a passport to enter, but having one is a good Idea. The following are a few informative websites with information about Guam:
Government of Guam- includes information about the climate, culture, native language (although English is the official and most commonly used language), historical perspectives and more
Guam Visitor's Bureau - Guam tourist information
CIA World Factbook - specific information regarding the climate and topography as well as statistical information
It is highly recommended that you complete the Reserve Orientation Course for Active Army (ROCAA) on the Army Correspondence Course online, available HERE. The course number is 921 D0203 and the module is RO1001. Click on the COURSE button, and select “921-Army Readiness Reserve Training Center” from the drop-down list.
Most of the actions you will take to prepare for moving to Guam will follow the same pattern that you’ve followed throughout your military career. There are, however, a few differences so we encourage you to read through the next few pages so you remain informed. Your first sponsor will meet you in Hawaii and help you in-process the brigade in a TDY status. Following your TDY you will move on to Guam where we will have your 3rd Battalion sponsor meet you and your family. Our goal is to take care of you from the time you begin your transition process to the time you PCS from Guam. If you have any questions on the process your first point of contact is your sponsor. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Battalion Commander or Battalion Sergeant Major and we’ll make sure you get the assistance you need.
When you receive orders to the 196th Infantry Brigade, the Brigade S1 will immediately assign you two sponsors to assist in making your transition to the battalion as smooth as possible; one for your TDY in-processing period in Hawaii, and one for your transition here in Guam. If you are coming to the battalion and do not know who your sponsors are, contact the Brigade S1 at (808) 438-1209, ext 271 (DSN 315-438-1209) or the 3rd Battalion SGM at (671) 344-5843 (DSN 315-344-5843), so that we can get you and your sponsor in contact with one another as soon as possible.
There are many things to prepare for when being assigned to Guam. You are likely to have many questions about schools, pet quarantine, vehicle shipment, transitional housing and much more. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your sponsor or the chain of command. The following information is provided to help you find answers to questions on a diverse number of subjects. It is a starting point for you and your family to explore your interests and requirements.
Your travel to Guam will normally follow the following path: TDY in Hawaii for in-processing followed by your report into the battalion in Guam. Passports are not required for travel into Guam by U.S. citizens or soldiers traveling on orders with a valid ID card, but we strongly encourage you to get a passport. If your travel plans take you through Japan to Guam, you must have a passport to get through Japanese customs. A passport for you and your family will also be convenient because Guam is a great jump-off point to visit a number of Asian or Micronesian areas as a tourist for reasonable prices so take the time to get your passports in order before you PCS.
Your first stop on the way to Guam is Hawaii. The purpose of this stop is to in-process brigade and pick-up TA-50. Your TDY in Hawaii is for 3 days only. Plan your PCS move to arrive in Hawaii on a Monday. Upon arrival at the Honolulu International Airport you will need to collect your bags and meet your sponsor who will be waiting to take you to sign in at the unit. If, for any reason, your sponsor isn't there for you, you should go directly to the USO located in the baggage claim area. There you can contact the unit duty officer on call at pager number (808) 289-2638. As with any TDY, you must first attempt to get lodging at a military lodging facility. If military lodging is unavailable the Schofield Inn will issue a statement of non-availability, which you will file with your TDY settlement when you get to Guam.
NOTE: If you are bringing family members with you, you are responsible for paying for their temporary lodging in Hawaii. Your sponsor will assist you in obtaining temporary lodging for both you and your family.
Key telephone numbers for military lodging facilities in Hawaii and civilian hotels near the Brigade Headquarters at Fort Shafter, Hawaii include:
Military Lodging
Tripler Guest House: (808) 839-2336
Inn at Schofield Barracks: Toll Free 1-800-490-9638, DSN 315-455-5036, Comm:(808) 624-9650
Hale Koa Hotel: (808) 955-0555 or 1-800-367-6027 (between 8 am and 4 pm Hawaii time, daily except for Federal holidays)
Commercial Lodging
Honolulu Airport Holiday Inn: Toll Free (800) 800-3477 or (808) 836-0661
The Plaza Hotel Toll Free (800) 800-4683 or (808) 836-3636
IHG Hotels Toll Free (888) HOLIDAY (465-4329), Comm: (808) 947-2828
At the completion of your 3 day in-processing in Hawaii you will then complete the final leg of your PCS and travel to Guam. When you arrive on Guam your sponsor will meet you at the airport. If you arrive, and cannot find your sponsor, immediately call the Commander or SGM on their cell phones: 689-4986 or 688-5060, respectively and we will get there to pick you up.
If you arrive without your family and qualify for TLA, you will receive TLA at a rate of 60 percent. With one family member that amount goes up to 100 percent, with an additional 25 percent per additional family member (ie. a service member with 4 family members would receive 175 percent of TLA). Most hotels require that you pay up front, so make sure you have adequate funding (ie. credit card or travelers checks). It can be pretty expensive to pay for a rental car AND ten days of living at a hotel BEFORE you can receive TLA money from the local Finance office. You will not receive the first ten days of TLA until AFTER the first ten days, so plan accordingly. You will need to have a bill from the hotel before Finance will pay you, however you will not need to show any receipts for food costs.
Another good thing to do while you're looking for a place to live is to stay in contact with the port where your automobile is coming in. The port your vehicle will come into is adjacent to the Naval base here on Guam. Your Guam sponsor will take you down to the port and help you make arrangements for delivery of your vehicle. THIS document was provided by Tour of Duty Guam, LLC, one of Guam’s local businesses that offers assistance in making lodging and rental car arrangements.
Housing is sometimes difficult to find. We all go through the hassles of finding a suitable place to live. However, you're taking an important first step here. You might want to print this information for future reference.
Once you've arrived, with or without your family, and after you've signed in, the choice of living on or off post is your next issue. With the cost of living off post and the impact that Typhoons have on the island’s power, water and other infrastructure, you may want to live on base. You will have to choose between living on the Navy or Air Force installation. Housing availability is based on a number of factors, such as your rank, family size, and when you were placed on the housing waiting list. Even if you plan on getting quarters off base it is a good idea to get your name put on the housing list just in case you cannot find a suitable place OR you arrive shortly after a typhoon has hit the island. Based on the current quality of housing, we suggest that if you want to live on base, you should attempt to stay at Andersen Air Force Base. To get on the housing list at Andersen, you will need to complete and submit a DD Form 1746 and a copy of your orders to the housing office. To ease the burden on you, you can simply fax the completed copies to your sponsor here at the office and he/she will hand carry the information to the housing office for you. The fax number here is (671) 344-5848 or DSN: 315-344-5848.
Further detailed information can be found by logging onto the MilitaryONESOURCE website. Your sponsor will be able to give you a lot of good information about housing.
As soon as you've found a place to live, either on-base or off-base, you are going to want to claim your household goods. Be aware that your hold baggage will arrive earlier.
Note: If you are planning on staying on post, you will not need to bring a washer/dryer or refrigerator. These items are supplied for you. Many off-post housing units are also equipped with a washer and dryer and because many off-post homes are relatively small compared to mainland homes, they will only accommodate an “apartment-size” washer or dryer.
The amount of time it takes for your household goods to arrive varies. Keep in mind the following average time-frames for shipping and receiving your household goods:
If shipping from the West Coast, your property should arrive in Guam within 45 days.
If shipping from the Central U.S., your property should arrive in Guam within 50 days.
If shipping from the East Coast, your property should arrive within 55 to 60 days.
These are averages and not absolutes, but they are generally a good guideline to follow when planning your move.
The government will pay to ship one privately owned vehicle per service member when you PCS to Guam. If you need to ship more than one vehicle, and your spouse is not a service member who is on orders to PCS here as well, inquire at your transportation office about alternate means of shipping a second vehicle using a commercial shipper at your own expense.
Shipping a vehicle to Guam from the west coast will cost approximately $1500 (one way). When using a commercial shipper, also keep in mind that it may also save you money to drop the vehicle off at their shipping center rather than having them come and pick the vehicle up from you. Again, inquire with your transportation office about the options available to you locally.
Where Do I Pick Up My vehicle?
Your vehicle will be sent to Guam VPC Located on COMNAVMAR (Big Navy). You should call the 24 hour line: (671) 339-2205 to get information on the shipping status of your vehicle. Have your DD Form 788 (Shipping Documents) when you call and when you go to pick it up. You can also check the status of your vehicle's whereabouts at www.whereismyPOV.com.
Automobile Insurance Requirements
The type of auto insurance needed in Guam is called "Liability", and is required for everyone operating their auto. No vehicle can be driven on the roads of Guam without it. You must have insurance and a Guam one-day temp registration before you can pick up your car. Your sponsor will help you get everything in order to pick up your car. All vehicles must registered on base within 72 hours of arrival. You must have your registration, ID Card, a safety inspection, and proof of Guam liability Insurance. Your vehicle must be registered with the Guam DMV within 10 days from the time you pick it up. You can keep the vehicle registered with state plates until they expire. Then the vehicle must be registered in Home of record state or have Guam Plates.
Pet quarantine on Guam has become very confusing for personnel transferring with pets. Guam's quarantine law is designed to protect residents and pets from potential serious health problems associated with the presence and spread of rabies. Success of the quarantine program is dependent on maintaining isolation of your pet from other animals for the required quarantine period. The following information is current as of January 2003.
For specific questions, contact the Government of Guam, Department of Public Health and Social Services, Division of Environmental Health, Animal Quarantine Program, P.O. Box 2816, Hagatna, Guam 96932, 671-735-7221. For reservations at the quarantine facility, please contact Harper Valley Veterinarian at 671-734-4543 or preferably at the military facility located at Andersen Air Force Base at (671) 366-3205 (DSN 366-3205).
Importation of dogs, cats and other carnivores into Guam is governed by Title 10 Guam Code Annotated Chapter 34 Article 3. This law states that these animals are required to complete a 120-day confinement in an approved commercial quarantine facility. If specific pre-arrival and post-arrival requirements are met, animals may qualify for an alternate 30-day quarantine. The alternate 30-day quarantine program was approved in August 2000. Animals originating from the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii, on direct flights to Guam may be exempt from quarantine requirements after meeting shipment requirements.
To qualify for the 30-day quarantine program, all general and specific pre- and post-arrival requirements must be met. Owners are responsible to ensure that all documents are in order and all requirements are met. Deficiencies in any of the requirements will result in the animal being subject to the 120-day quarantine program. All general and specific information on your pets can be research, using MilitaryONESOURCE for Guam.
There are opportunities for furthering your education here in Guam. There is an accredited university on Guam that is located near the center of the island. The university offers both Bachelor and Masters degrees. Visit their website for more information. Also, Guam Community College offers Associates degree programs that you may wish to pursue.
Secondary, Middle and High Schools on Guam
Schools. As a soldier assigned to Guam, your dependent children are authorized to attend the Department of Defense schools (DoDEA) at either Andersen Air Force Base or on the Naval installation (regardless of whether or not you live on base). You may also elect to send your children to a private school, or if you live off post, you can send your children to a local public school. The public school systems in Guam, however, are sadly lacking in resources, facilities and fully-qualified teachers. We would strongly recommend sending your children to either the DODEA schools or to a private school. Information on the DoDEA schools can be found on this Andersen Air Force base webpage.
To register your child in the DoDEA schools you must have the following information with you (excerpt from the AAFB web site):
“Upon arrival, parents can register their children at the appropriate school site. Parents should hand-carry copies of important records, such as report cards, test results, and any other documents that would help in student placement. Official documents required for registration are sponsor’s orders, ID cards, sponsor’s and child’s Social Security Numbers; immunization records (including a current PPD or "TB" test), and emergency point of contact information.”
Guam Public Schools
Contact information for the Guam Public Schools is shown below:
Guam Department of Education
P.O. Box 398
Agana, Guam 96932
Phone: (671) 475-0457
Fax: (671) 472-5003
Web Page: www.doe.edu.gu
The basic description of Guam public schools and the enrollment requirements laid out by the Guam Department of Education as extracted from the Andersen Air Force Base web site is: “The Guam Department of Education is responsible for grades K-12 public education. Approximately 32,000 students, representing diverse ethnic groups, attend Guam's 36 public schools. The school year includes 180 instructional days, which usually begin the third week in August and end the first week in June. Several public schools use a year-round calendar. The educational system organization is as follows: elementary (K-5), middle (6-8) and high (9-12) school. Preschool children of income-eligible families may enroll in Head Start classes at selected locations. Call (671) 475-0484 for details. Mandatory school ages are five to 16 years. Children whose fifth birthday is on or before the first day of school must enroll in kindergarten. The learning environment may range from a modern two-story structure to wooden frame re-locatable classrooms. Most teachers are fully certified and the rest are primarily limited-term teachers who have degrees in their subject area.
Registration requirements
Parents should hand-carry copies of school records, such as current report cards, test results and other documents helpful in student placement. The local school will request original transcripts after the student's arrival. Official documents required for registration include: student's birth certificate or passport, valid documentation that shows immunization and results of a TB skin test conducted within one year before registration. Students entering from places other than the U.S. or its territories must show TB skin test results conducted within six months before registration. Requirements also include results of physical exams conducted within one year before or after entry into any school system or a physical exam appointment card. The overseas screening form does not show actual physical exam results and officials do not normally accept it as proof of a physical exam.
Private Schools
There are approximately 25 private schools in Guam. Many of these are affiliated with religious denominations. Many private schools are limited in the number of spaces available for new students, so parents should register early. Tuition averages about $3,600 per year and ranges from $1,850 - $9,500. If you want more information on private schools contact your sponsor who will obtain additional information for you.
Medical support to soldiers and their families is provided by either Navy or Air Force clinics and/or the Guam Naval hospital. There are dental and medical clinics on both Andersen Air Force Base and COMNAVMAR. The only military hospital is on its own installation called U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam.
U.S. Naval Hospital. U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam is an inpatient and outpatient facility currently operating with 55 beds. If needed, it can expand to 455 beds. It currently averages approximately 350 admissions/dispositions monthly. U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam, is an accredited hospital providing care to eligible beneficiaries. As a full service hospital, NAVHOSP provides quality care in many specialties and subspecialties. Services available at the Naval Hospital include family practice, ob/gyn, pediatrics, internal medicine, pathology, optometry, orthopedics, dermatology and physical therapy. Appropriate civilian medical facilities are available on Guam for civilians and their family members for the evaluation and treatment of routine medical problems.
Clinics available at Naval Hospital, Guam include: Dermatology; ENT; Internal Medicine; OB/GYN; Ophthalmology/Optometry; Orthopedics; Pediatrics; Mental Health; Surgery; Urology; and Family Practice.
Personnel reporting to Guam are highly encouraged to enroll their family members in the Family Practice clinic within the first two weeks of arrival. Most other clinics and services -- with the exception of OB/GYN, Pediatrics, and Immunizations -- require a physician's referral.
Andersen Air Force Base clinic. This is a small clinic and not a hospital. There are a number of small clinics within the facility and family practice physicians and a pharmacy that can address most issues, but more serious cases are always referred to the Naval hospital. MedEvacs are also available to Hawaii and Japan.
Military Treatment Facilities on Guam implemented TRICARE Pacific 1 Jul 97. If you require more information on TRICARE Pacific please call DSN 366-6547/6548, Commercial (671) 366-6547/6548. Once you arrive on island, please stop by the TRICARE Service Center and complete the TRICARE WESTPAC enrollment form. Once you enroll, you will AUTOMATICALLY be disenrolled from your prior region. If you have any questions, please call your TRICARE office. Andersen AFB, Guam is an isolated location with limited health care services. It is imperative that all family members be screened for clearances for dependent travel. We have identified certain medical conditions, educational, psychiatric, and high intensity Family Advocacy cases that we cannot provide care for at Andersen Air Force Base. It is important to remember that once a current or past need is identified, it must be cleared through our facility.
Again MilitaryONESOURCE has some very good and up to date information on each installation.
Passports: Although passports are not required for U.S. citizens on Guam, they are highly recommended due to the possibility of medevac to and through Japan. All non-active duty personnel are required to have a passport to depart Japan following treatment. Official travel (TDY and PCS) may also be routed through Japan, which requires a passport. Finally, there are a number of opportunities to use Guam as a springboard for vacations at a variety of places in Asia and Micronesia, which will require a passport.
Earthquakes: Guam is situated in an earthquake prone area. The islands of the Marianas chain have volcanic origins so there is periodic seismic activity. There have been a few significant earthquakes over the years, but the construction codes on the island help ensure some level of safety. The on base housing is all reinforced concrete, which stands up very well to earthquakes. The biggest challenge created by the small trembler or two that we get each year is a short interruption in power, water and/or phone service.
Typhoons: Typhoons are a common occurrence on Guam. A typhoon is the same thing as a hurricane; West of the international dateline they’re called typhoons, East of the dateline they’re called hurricanes. They normally hit during the rainy season (June to December) each year. Typhoons can be dangerous, but again the building codes and disaster preparedness practices on Guam will keep you safe -- loss of life as a direct result of typhoons is rare. The biggest challenges again are loss of power, water and phone services. When you arrive on Guam your sponsor will give you all the info you need to put together a typhoon preparedness kit for your home. We are well-linked with the typhoon warning center, the national weather service, the civil defense office and our sister services so we get plenty of warning and take the appropriate measures to protect our soldiers and their families. For more about typhoons you can go to the Joint typhoon warning center webpage.
Scuba Diving: Guam and the Northern Marianas is one of the premier scuba diving destinations in the world. There are a number of opportunities to become qualified at local dive shops and both the Navy and Air Force MWR offices have agreements with dive shops to help you become certified or rent equipment if you are already certified.
Driving on Guam: Driving on Guam can be a bit of an adventure. Frankly, much of the infrastructure has been ignored over the years, which has led to a recent effort to upgrade existing roads. The fastest allowable speed on Guam is 45 mph so you won’t need a vehicle that can do 0-60 in 3 seconds. The roads have a lot of potholes and during the morning and afternoon commute times the traffic is fairly heavy and the pace slow. Some of the older roads are also made of crushed coral, which creates very slippery conditions when they’re wet (this is a tropical island so we do get a bit of rain).
The right vehicle for Guam: If you have a dependable used vehicle that’s probably your best bet for Guam. Repairs are fairly expensive as are the prices for new cars downtown. You do have an advantage in terms of buying a new car, however, and that’s the AAFES New Car Sales Program. If you need a new vehicle while you’re on the island, or want to buy one as you leave, you can purchase an American made vehicle through AAFES at a very reasonable cost. Buying a vehicle through the AAFES program also lets you avoid some of the tax burden and a significant portion of the shipping costs to the island. New vehicles downtown are marked up thousands of dollars above the MSRP. There are always a lot of used vehicles for sale on Guam – frequently called “Boonie cars”. Boonie cars are inexpensive used vehicles that you won’t mind getting a little beat up by the sun, salt and rough roads. When you get on island your sponsor can show you where the “lemon lots” are on both Andersen and COMNAVMAR – those two places are usually a good place to start looking for a used vehicle.